Out Now, Freddy Locks´new album: “Infinite Roots”

6th / COLLIGNON is playing in the beautiful festival Nascentes in Leiria/ Portugal
11th – 15th / FREDDY LOCKS is on tour in Germany and Switzerland
26th / release date for MIRA KENDÔ’s debut single: N’ Dija Nha Africa

23rd / “Kano” will be out, the second single from MIRA KENDÔ
Gris Gris Records
Gris Gris Records a new label with roots in Portugal, Guiné-Bissau and the Netherlands. We are interested in traditional music within a contemporary context in an ever-changing world. Through the sharing of stories we intend to create space for dialogue and education.
All Releases / Link to Bandcamp
Gris Gris Booking Artists
Braima Galissá (GNB) | COLLIGNON (NL – bookings Portugal ) | Freddy Locks (PT) | Mira Kendô (GNB-PT) | Maurino (NL/CL)